Karlsruhe pilot: Energy4u - Connect Ideas2Business
The Karlsruhe Pilot Team organized, together with the EnergyForum Karlsruhe, an information booth at the regional annual conference ‘Energy4u: Connect Ideas2Business’ at November 9th 2017, hosted by the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences.
The regional, annually conference ‘Energy4u: Connect Ideas2Business’ brought together technology providers, technology users, research institutes and investors from the energy sector in Karlsruhe. The interactive concept of the event allowed participants to present products, services and innovative business ideas in short presentations and as exhibitors on the marketplace to an interested trade audience and investors. Keynote speeches on energy and business, as well as insights into support measures for SMEs completed the event. Topics of the conference have been Energy Conversion, Energy Distribution, Energy Storage, and Energy Efficiency (conference program available here).
The conference has been organized by Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Steinbeis 2i GmbH and the Energy Forum of Karlsruhe Economic Development and builds on the success of the ‘Connect Ideas2Business’ and ‘Energy4u’ events in recent years. The event was supported by the technology transfer management of the Karlsruhe Economic Development and Chamber of Crafts Karlsruhe.
The Pilot Team informed interested visitors at the booth about both the project URBAN INNO and results of the Karlsruhe Pilot (Energy & eBikes). People were especially interested in the topics ‘charging station infrastructure’ and ‘business models for private energy provision’.

Dr. Ralf Trunko (CyberForum e.V.) and Andrea Bühler from the Economic Development Department of the City of Karlsruhe

EnergyForum Karlsuhe is supporting the URBAN INNO local pilot