Results of Online Survey on Heavy Rain Risk management published

17th April 2019

The results and analysis of an extensive online survey on the subject of heavy rain risk management are now published.

The online survey was conducted as a basis for the toolbox design to assess experiences with heavy rain events and to define the requirements of the relevant actors for the improvement of heavy rain risk management.

The RAINMAN survey was conducted on two online platforms and translated into six languages in cooperation with all project partners. The results of both participation platforms were systematically recorded and evaluated.

The output of the online survey is a result of the effort of all RAINMAN partners who supported the development and the distribution of the online survey (coordination and analysis: Saxon Ministry of the Interior supported by INFRASTRUKTUR & UMWELT).

The results are now published on the RAINMAN website (see “Publications”) and are available for download here.

We would like to thank all respondents of the survey for supporting the development of the RAINMAN project by participating in the online survey! 

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