1 - Support tools and schemes for deep renovation & construction of public buildings

  • D.T1.1.1 Report on nZEB initiatives from the Central Europe region
    An overview on closed or ongoing nZEB initiatives in Central Europe. It provides information on international and national initiatives and summarizes the key findings of each initiative for further processing them in the eCentral project. 
  • D.T1.1.2 Regional nZEB case studies for reference public buildings in the Central European region
    Twenty selected nZEB public buildings already built in five European Central regions: Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. The buildings collected are schools and office buildings, new or renovated ones with the target of achieving nZEB standard. These buildings are the showcases to demonstrate and accelerate the progress towards the achieving of the nZEB target.
  • D.T1.2.1 Analysis of EU state of the art tools for deep renovation of buildings
    An overview of the most appropriate tools for making analyses of public building stocks within the targeted regions for the Living EPC tool. Furthermore tools, which fits the needs of the Living EPC Tool best will be chosen to be analysed in order to develop the methodology for assessment of potential cost-effective nZEB measures and energy consumption forecasting. 
  • D.T1.2.2 methodology for evaluating deep renovation measures of public buildings
    This report gives concrete advices for the calculation methodology for the assessment of cost-efficient measures and energy consumption forecasting. Furthermore, it gives proposals for the methodology for the process of the calculation by describing the input parameters, parameters needed in a central database, renovation measures and results from the tool.
  • D.T1.5.1 Analysis of innovative financing schemes for deep renovation of public buildings
    An overview on innovative financing schemes such as public private partnership (PPP), energy performance contracting (EPC) and crowdfunding (CF). The report describes the technical aspects of building renovations, analyses the three financing schemes and provides successful case studies for each scheme.
  • D.T1.5.2 Assessment of policy framework in CE partner countries for introduction of new financing schemes
    The document gives an overview and status of policy frameworks for use of innovative financing schemes (PPP, EPC and CF) for nZEB projects in 2018 in Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria and Italy. As a two-stage deliverable, this report provides an assessment at the beginning of the project and at its end, in order to compare the progress made in this field.
  • D.T1.5.3 Step by step decision support tool (DST) for nZEB renovation with innovative financing schemes
    A simple and comprehensive guide to facilitate the decision on the type of financing schemes to implement during the renovation project. In particular, it provides information about nZEB renovation (nearly zero energy building) with innovative financing schemes Public Private Partnership (PPP), Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) and Crowdfunding (CF). This guide uses results from policy analysis, from the eCentral pilot actions in Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia and from literature research.

2 - Building capacity of local and regional stakeholders 

  • D.T2.1.4 Sustainability plan
    This document describes how eCentral project will be sustained in the long term, focusing on financial and technical sustainability and aiming to conclude and summarize all aspects of further use of the outputs of eCentral project
  • D.T2.3.2 Step by step guide on how to turn public buildings into nZEB
    Short illustrative and easy-to-follow step by step guide of basics of nZEB building standard and how to achieve it in public buildings. The tool aims to support public authorities to identify and manage the renovation process, with a particular focus on eCentral project countries. 
    The guide is also available in five national versions, with specific regulations of the project partners countries:
    > AT  > HR  > HU  > IT  > SI
  • D.T2.4.1 Analysis of current national and regional/local renovation strategies
    The document provides an analysis of nZEB policies in three CE target countries (Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary) at different levels of governance in order to see what public authorities have done so far with implementation of the EPBD on strategic level.
  • D.T2.4.3 Position paper on nZEB policies in Central Europe
    The document presents opinion of eCentral partnership about nZEB policies and recommendations to amend them aiming to help removal of barriers for its uptake. The position paper is based on the outcomes of former deliverables of eCentral and on the expertise of knowledge partners of eCentral partnership, extended with the results of a survey conducted to have a larger overview to Central Europe countries, which are Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, as well as part of Germany and Italy.
    > Read the Survey Results
  • D.T2.4.4 Joint strategy for wider implementation of innovative financing schemes in Central Europe
    This document is the culmination of theoretical and practical assessments performed within the eCentral project with all key financial market stakeholders. The document provides a short status of policy frameworks in Central European countries for use of innovative financing schemes for nZEB projects (public private partnership, energy performance contracting and crowdfunding) and proposes clear recommendations for removal of barriers that hinder a wider uptake of these schemes.