The day, when our oldest daughter was diagnosed with coeliac disease was one of the happiest days for our family. The diagnosis “coeliac disease” was among the suspicions of doctors for the best and the least harmful disease. We were happy, that the marathon from one doctor to another had finished and that we finally identified what was wrong and how we can help our daughter to live and develop into a healthy and happy woman. Our daughter’s health problems did not develop overnight, as in a rapid deterioration of her health condition. The changes were very gradual, but still not unnoticed. From the early age of two she had weakened immunity (a hypogammaglobulinemia) and was more prone to infections, this is why she was managed by specialists in an allergy outpatient clinic. To avoid diseases, she did not attend organised care (kindergarten). Somehow, our happy, but quiet girl, became even more tired and without appetite after the treatment of her last infection. After the consultation with her paediatrician, we did a blood count check, which was fine. Problems with diarrhoea, malaise, pain, constipation or vomiting were absent. I visited the paediatrician`s office several times a month with my moody and tired daughter. No one thought of coeliac disease, we were not referred to a specialist – a gastroenterologist.

As we were blessed with a new family member, we thought that maybe it was the lack of acceptance of her sibling and also visited a psychologist. During the holidays we were hoping for an improvement of her health condition; however problems with rapid weight loss and her general condition were very bad. Fortunately, we soon had an appointment at the allergist, where we were referred to the gastroenterology department. The diagnosis of coeliac disease was confirmed in 10 days. Our girl, a patient with coeliac disease on a strict gluten-free diet, is growing up and is thriving into a healthy and happy girl. Soon her sister and father, also coeliac patients, joined her in the gluten free diet.

Nuša, 11 years, and mom Simona