First Train-the-trainer seminar

Train-the-trainer seminar on preservation of cultural heritage

The first of three Train-the-trainer seminars will be held in Erfurt on the 27th of November 2017 handling issues regarding preservation of cultural heritage.

The capacity building within this project is foreseen to occur in several steps. Train-the-trainer seminars are the first towards an increase of knowledge and capacities in the regions. The trainings have three thematic foci: preservation, stakeholder alignment and promotion. Once the trainers gather in international seminars to gain new inputs and insights on these topics, they pass this information, once adapted to the local reality, to the actors in the regions.

Some of the main goals of the Train-the-trainer seminar on preservation are supporting international network, communication and exchange of expertise and experience, guarantee a common baseline among involved territories, secure the availability and suitability of provided inputs at regional and local level, present innovative approaches in preservation of cultural heritage, especially regarding funding options and provide hints on key issues to be observed in preservation projects and strategies. The seminar will be based on a pre-developed curriculum, content to be provided to the attendants and will be enriched through interactive working sessions in which the attendants will apply the acquainted knowledge and inputs in practical examples and group discussions. The outcomes of this working sessions will be used to further develop the curricula on preservation.

The trainers will be directly engaged by the project partners in charge of implementing the local trainings.

If you would like to know more about the programme for this event click here