
24th April 2018, Nova Gorica

GOLEA has, within the frame of CitiEnGov project deliverable D.T3.1.2 “Identification of possible incentives for a wider adoption of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources” and within the frame of existing incentives offered by Slovenian Eco Fund, created the idea to increase a level of sustainable transport within the municipalities through the acceleration of installation of electric charging stations and use of electric cars. 

In fact, the project CitiEnGov stimulates the partners to identificate new incentives, while Eco Fund stimulates (within the frame of sustainable mobility) the installation of electric charging stations by Municipalities within the protected areas of nature and in the ecological network of Nature 2000 Area by offering non-refundable funds. In addition municipalities and citizens are stimulated to purchase also electric cars.

Within this frame GOLEA has identificated new incentive proposal at regional level in the field of sustainable transport. To this end different meetings were organised. The development process included several stakeholders: local administration representatives (verification of interest of municipalities to join the new incentive), energy and equipment supply companies, Local Energy Agencies, Ministry of Infrastructure – Department for sustainable transport and transport policy, Public financial Fund, Regional Development Agencies, Public agency for tourism, etc. 

As the CitiEnGov project funds were limited all the following steps that include preparation of the documentation for the realisation of new incentive was realised through GOLEA ELENA project (as for example preparation of applications for obtaining non refundable funds from Eco Fund, preparation of public all for e-car rental, public call for equipment provider and equipment installation, public call for identification of joint manager of installed municipal electric charging stations), while Local Public agency for tourism was and will be in charge for the implementation of promotion events. 

On 24th of April 2018 the press conference was organised in order to present the 1st action of realisation of Energy incentive (the rental of e-cars by n.5 Primorska municipalities – two of them (Nova Gorica and Ajdovščina) are also associated partners of CitiEnGov project). On 1st of May 2018 the take over of e-cars was implemented by municipalities. 

The 2nd step that will follow within the next months will reppresent the purchase and installation of electric charging stations.

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