Launch Event - Accessible Exhibition "Prehistory in the hands"


On 14 June, the Archeological Museum of Istra-Pula launched its new accessible for all exhibition "Prehistory in the hands" hosted in the Museum-Gallery Space "Sveta Srca", de Ville's Rise 8. 

In line with the COME-IN! Guidelines the museums involved in the project have been introducing a set of interventions to make their museums accessible. The Archeological Museum of Istra-Pula is the third Museum out of six to have completed a set of infrastructural and communication interventions to turn its exhibition fully accessible.

 Among the different interventions, the museum has created tacticle maps and books of the collection, acquired accessible furniture and fittings: tables, signs, realization og copies of museum objects with 3D printer; installed a ramp to connect the amphitheater to the Museum, a platform lift, and relaxation area.

The exhibition will be free of entrance for the first two weeks! For more information, please contact